I am a PhD student student at Georgetown University advised by Sasha Golovnev .
I am broadly interested in theoretical computer science, especially complexity theory and theoretical cryptography. Some specific problems I am thinking about are:
- Worst Case and Average Case Hardness of MCSP
- Relationship between Kolmogorov Complexity and Cryptography
- Pseudo-deterministic Algorithms
- Connections between Datastructure Lowerbounds, Function Inversion and some other models
Before coming to Georgetown I was an undergraduate at UC Irvine where I was advised by Vijay Vazirani. I was a visiting graduate student at Simons Institute in Fall 2019 for their program on Online and Matching-Based Market Design. Here is a flyer for a fun talk I gave as undergrad trying to recruit unsuspecting students to work on complexity theory with me.
Contact Information
328 St. Mary's Hall, Gerogetown University
email: kg816 at georgetown dot edu